International Anti-Corruption Day

Uniting Against Global Corruption

International Anti-Corruption Day, celebrated annually on December 9th, is a pivotal moment to support the global fight against corruption. The day emphasizes the importance of international cooperation and commitment to eradicating corruption in all its forms., as an ambassador of this important day and movement, offers a platform for safe and anonymous reporting of corruption cases, supporting transparency and fairness in society.

International Anti-Corruption Day presents an opportunity to reflect on the impacts of corruption and to highlight the importance of collective efforts in combating it. Join us on this important day and help us spread awareness and support actions leading to a more transparent and just society.

Role of

As an ambassador of the anti-corruption movement, provides key resources and a platform for public participation.

The Importance of International Cooperation

International Anti-Corruption Day underscores the importance of global unity against corruption and its eradication.

Supporting Transparency

Raising awareness and supporting transparency are foundational stones in the fight against corruption, enabling more effective oversight and accountability of institutions.

Public Engagement

Active participation and public engagement play a crucial role in detecting and preventing corruption, strengthening democratic values and public administration.